So I am packing up my house, box by box. I have had to prioritize my belongings because we will be moving to a much smaller living space. The hardest yet to sort? My yarn! I love it all but some of it has to go. The funniest part of pulling all my stuff out is I realized exactly how much yarn I have. More specifically how much Skein Yarn I have. After staring at the pile of beautifully hand dyed fibers I thought…they deserve a photo shoot…and what the heck, SO DO I! So you can see just how addicted I am to these yarns.

Well this might just be my new “About Me” photo. As for those yarns? I don’t even know if I can label them all. Maybe after I move.

I did one shot of just the yarn…couldn’t help myself…all those beautiful colors!

Lately I have been thinking a lot about this question. What do you get the girl who makes everything? I have so many creative and artistic friends it is hard to find a gift that suits them since they make anything they want to. Artistic people are extra hard to buy gifts for. I thought I would share a few things that have been a hit when trying to find the perfect thing for the special creative someone. I would love hear any other ideas.

Vintage or beautiful jars that can be used for a variety of purposes…or even better a candle in a jar that can be used for many purposes. This jar used to have a mercury glass coating on the inside. It held a Volcano Candle from Anthropologie (in case you want to see what it looked like before). I took the coating off by accident but I LOVE it even more this way. If I figure out how to do it again I will post a DIY.

Buttons, though this one is probably the hardest for me to give because I am so obsessed with cool buttons. I collect vintage looking buttons and odds and ends. I have made little collections to give away. You can sew them to a scrap of fabric or cool paper if you want a fun way to display them as you give them.


This is an idea I just had. I made this yarn card for a friend. Because I knit I have lots of yarn scraps. Many of these are expensive yarns that most people wouldn’t buy. It is nice to have a few yards of different fibers to wrap gifts with, make pom poms, or any other number of creative things. I new my friend Allyson would love to have some fun extra yarn to create with.

Along the same lines hemp, string, bakers twine, and jute. Any of these things are great to include with a gift. I never have enough spools of natural fiber. If I don’t use them I decorate with them. I have given spools like this as gifts several times.

I hope this helps if you are on a search for a great gift for an artist friend. Some other ideas are fancy paper with prints or or blank, lace, and trimmings. Maybe even art supplies if there is something specific you know they like.


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